Saturday 30 November 2013

Chapter Two

Just then, the doctor came out of the ward. "The patient is out of danger. It was due severe allergic reactions with the contents in IV drips and extreme exhaustion, i suppose you know she has such an allergy ('you' referring to her parents). She has been put under anesthesia and will wake up when it wears off." After thanking the doctor, Gary greeted her parents and proceeded to wait outside the ward while her parents enter.
"It's great that she is fine now! Oh! Do i really have to tell her everything, just like i had promised earlier? I'm not prepared to tell her everything yet. I can break my promise to myself, can't i? No one will know!" Gary leaped with joy as he spoke to himself. He heaved a sigh of relief. After experiencing so much in such a short period of time, his fingers shivered when texting to the members, informing them on her condition.
"Gary, we have something on and have to leave soon. I think she is fine now, could you look after her until her manager arrives? Here, you can contact me if anything happens. Kamsahamnida! We will treat you to a meal one day." Jihyo's mother told Gary, as she passed him a slip of paper with her contact details on it.
As Gary opened the door, he was hit by the strong stench of disinfectants and the extreme silence. Waves of nervousness hit him as he slowly inched towards the chair beside her. There she was, lying peacefully on the bed, with her eyes closed and a white blanket covering her up till her chest. This was another side of her that he had never seen before. She seemed so serene, so calm that she was hardly recognisable. This was the first time Gary could observe every facial features of her so closely. He never thought how long her eyelashes were, how smooth and flawless her skin was, how sharp and pointy her nose was and how kissable her lips looked. He stared silently at her and was lost in his own thoughts. He has never felt this way before, and the feeling felt so warm and comforting. He mustered his courage, inching closer to her, with his lips heading towards her lips. His lips then moved towards her cheek instead and gave her a peck on her cheek. "Get well soon!" He whispered in her ear. "She doesn't know anything about my feelings for her. I shouldn't betray her, we should leave our first kiss for an even more special moment." He thought. Gary continued staring at her, awed by her beauty.
However, he was afraid that Kwangsoo or her manager may come in anytime. Grabbing some paper and a pen, he began to compose some lyrics, which was what he was doing before Jaesuk called. He was so focused in writing lyrics that he did not notice that Jihyo had woke up.

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